Thou shalt not demand that your parents be perfect.
Remember, they weren’t raised by perfect parents, so how in the world could they raise you perfectly? And you ain’t going to be a perfect parent either.
Thou shalt be grateful for what your parents provide.
You’ve only got two ways to go here:
1. You can be grateful for what you have, in which case you’ll be happy and responsible, and you’ll LOVE your life.
2. You can whine and moan about what you DON’T have, but then you will be miserable
for as long as it takes until you're grateful for what you do have.
Thou shalt be as kind to your parents, siblings, and friends as you wish your parents were to you.
Demanding that your parents and others live to a higher standard than you're willing to, will always make you feel separated from them. That's sad.
Thou shalt not settle for eating scraps just because others are.
Just because ten million flies are eating wet, nasty garbage doesn’t mean that you should too. Sure, your friends APPEAR to be having a good time with every variation of being irresponsible and unloving. But do they really look peaceful and confident? The bottom line is this: considering the way your friends behave, would you want to be one of their children, to be raised by them?
Thou shalt do your homework and your chores without
Or else you’re screwed. Simple as that. You think your parents’ nagging is annoying? Then shut them up by simply doing what you’re supposed to do. If you don’t learn to be responsible at home, the world will teach you; your boss will teach you when he fires you, your boyfriend/girlfriend will teach you by leaving you, the law will teach you in uncounted ways, etc., etc.
Thou shalt NEVER blame anybody else for how you feel.
Go ahead, try it. Blame everybody for your anger and fear. You’ll discover that you are a prisoner to every inconsiderate and thoughtless person you ever meet. And because there is no shortage of such people, your life will be an endless disappointment instead of a fun and meaningful adventure with other happy, creative people.
Thou shalt never, ever complain unless you have a better idea.
Complaining is cheap, easy, and lazy. Put some effort into finding solutions instead of expressing your disapproval. Complaining will always keep you unhappy, unsatisfied and excluded.
Before you say or do anything, ask yourself if it’s right, loving and responsible, and if it will make you happy in the long run.
Sure, every kind of partying, rebellion, or even withdrawing can seem like a good thing to do, but if your motivation comes from entitlement or fear the end results really stink.
Thou shalt find somebody much older and wiser than you, then seriously trust them and listen to whatever they tell you about yourself. (Could even be a parent)
Choose someone who isn’t angry, whiney, or controlling, and then listen. They can give you the benefit of decades of experience and save you from a lifetime of unspeakable pain.
Thou shalt remember that within you are the seeds of more genuine happiness than you could possibly imagine right now.
You’re a kid. You couldn’t know what you’re capable of. People will tell you that you’re stupid, flawed, even worthless. They’re WRONG. Follow the rest of the commandments, and you’ll discover who you really are.